MTK Alerta Institutu Autónomu Lalori Dividas Ba 2024
TL Tenke Preparadu Ba Mundu Teknolójia
Hafoin MTC, Sua Exelensia Miguel Marques Gonçalves Manetelu, ekontru ho Enkaregadora Australia Caitlin Wilson, delegasaun foto hamutuk. (Foto/Media MTC/AdãoVieira)
S.E. Ministro dos Transportes e Komunikasaun, Eng. Miguel M.G.Manetelu Akompanha husi Diretur DNIC Eng. Ambrosio Manuel Barreto Amaral,L.Ed.,MM Vizita Direita Data Center
Submarine Fiber Optic Cable System
East Timor's Aero Dili
Membru Oitavu lideradu Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, antes atu halo reuniaun konsellu ministru hodi aprova orsamentu ratifikativu, iha Pallasu Governu, kuarta 09/08.

DG of Transport and Telecomunication


Article 11. º


General Directorate of Transport and Communications



1.      The Directorate-General for Transport and Communications, hereinafter called the DGTC, is responsible for ensuring the integrated general direction and coordination of all services MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS with assignments in the areas of land and sea transport, the meteorological services and geophysics, postal services and networks of MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS and Government.


a)      Ensure the implementation and execution of integrated national policy for the areas of its activity in accordance with the program of the Government and the higher guidance of the Minister;

b)      Improve the legal and regulatory framework for land and sea transport, meteorological services, postal services and networks of communication, including the promotion and definition of technical standards and regulations in these areas;

c)      Collaborate with relevant government departments in preparing the national road plan;

d)       licensing and overseeing all activities of the land transport sector, including transport companies and licensing of private driving schools;

e)      Maintain and manage the national system for the registration of all vehicles, including the assignment of registration;

f)        Create and develop and manage, in collaboration with other services and competent public authorities, the International and National Register of ships and other vessels-tions under the law;

g)      Develop, in collaboration with other services and relevant entities, the necessary rules to the maritime transport sector, particularly on maritime search and rescue, global warning system and maritime safety and security of ships and ports systems in compliance the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) which East Timor is a member.

h)      To cooperate with law enforcement authorities in the supervision, implementation and enforcement of traffic legislation;

i)        cooperate with the competent public services for the promotion and coordination of intermodal land transport with others and in particular with the Port Authority of Timor-Leste and the Administration of Airports and Air Navigation of East Timor modes of transport, EP ;

j)        Develop, in collaboration with other relevant governmental agencies, national and international information system and meteorological monitoring, climatology and seismology, as well as ensuring the provision of public services in this area;

k)      certify and inspect ships and other vessels, as well as licensing seafarers in accordance with applicable law;

l)        Develop, in collaboration with other relevant services and public entities, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, studies with international organizations and agencies in the context of maritime transport to international rules that are adopted domestic legislation in this area in accordance with the senior government decisions;

m)    Develop and manage, in collaboration with other relevant public services, the system of information technology and computer networks MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS and other public entities of the Government according to senior government decisions;

n)      Promote and ensure postal services throughout the territory, as well as supporting the implementation of national policies;

o)      Comply with and enforce the laws, regulations and other legal provisions in areas of their competence;

p)      Any other duties assigned by law.



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